Vernal Equinox

snowdunes spring 13 2

Hello from the First Day of Spring in Minnesota. We’re having a good old-fashioned winter here, with more snow Monday and more snow on the way and very cold temperatures (single digits) still.

giant snow cake 3-13When it does warm up, the kids get busy and make gigantic snowmen, or snow wedding cakes…

snow dunes spring 2013The sun is putting in its twelve hours regardless of the temperature, so on my way home from work I pass the snow dunes casting long shadows.


annie and amy ski 3-13My intrepid sisters-in-law are still breaking trail with their skis, even though the wind has been relentless and drifts things back in place.

So far, I’ve been able to break the drift in the driveway, and it is lovely when the dry snow is blown from the tractor into the air.

But I’m wondering about that Easter egg hunt…

snowy flower garden spring 13

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