Renovation Central

concrete truckI know, I know, the posting has been pretty light lately. What can I say? There is still a foot of snow on the ground and a blizzard warning in effect! The seeds I scattered in the cold frame froze almost immediately as the temperatures dipped below zero and have hovered there the past few days…

Last night I made a baked ziti (canned Italian tomatoes and dried pasta, but local mushrooms and cheeses!) and the canning cupboard is almost bare. We’re down to two zucchini bread loaves, two jars of pickles, a couple jars of salsa and one full serving of pesto. If this were Frontier House, we would not have made it to Spring…

I love winter, but I’m a little concerned about the conditions for our annual outdoor Easter Egg hunt scheduled less than two weeks from today!

office shelves and deskThough this ongoing winter is not so good for gardeners, it has been great for my husband the landscaper. He’s been working away on furniture and started late on a renovation project: the back bedroom/office. The concept is wood and metal, modern industrial, and last week the concrete floor was poured and the shelving started to take shape.

Today he finished the desk– on wheels!!– and installed that and the extension work surface that will probably hold the printer. Next up is a bed frame– on wheels!! (I’m not sure how he thinks this highly mobile structure is going to work with all the computer cords…) and a desk chair– on wheels of course.

office cabinet constructionconcrete truck pourThe concrete floor is fun and looks great. It’s amazing to have a concrete mixer pull up outside one morning for an hour and guys hauling buckets of concrete to the project. It is spread over a metal mesh subfloor and is about an inch thick. We sincerely hope it is not too heavy and the ceiling doesn’t come crashing down on the rental apartment one day.

The shelves are also cool, although he skimped on the cabinet wood and should have done the whole thing in the white oak used for the shelves. He did redo the doors on the black cabinets, which are ebonized with a stain and look fantastic. I hope he’ll redo the white ones and the boxes as well– next year. The concept is very sleek and finished looking.

I’ll post more photos when concrete mesh floorthe project is finished, but for today, I just needed a blog!

office shelves and desk 2


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0 Responses to Renovation Central

  1. Kathleen says:

    While the garden is dormant, the home is growing and active! Love the sound of construction trucks and crews of strong hands arriving! Means much will be accomplished! Purchased my “new” seeds and am starting them in recycled costco apple packaging that create small greenhouses for them 🙂 Should give us 3 wks to build raised beds…. or maybe Steve could visit?

  2. susansink says:

    Great idea on the recycled packaging. And yes, you’re quite familiar with the sound of construction trucks!