
windy prairie

We have a good old-fashioned cold front blowing in, at exactly the time it was promised. The temperature is dropping 40 degrees and it will be below zero the next several days.

This happens every winter (but not last winter, which was alarming) and I like the opportunity to hunker down and listen to the wind, full of gratitude for being warm.

After this stretch, we will move toward Spring, however slowly.

Today I thought I’d join my husband in his shop and read. I imagined something cozy– the wood stove, Miles Davis on the boom box, the scent of freshly cut boards. After 20 minutes, the screech of the bandsaw and hum of the sawdust collector sent me back out, down the icy path, and home.

Almost immediately, settled in my chair with my book, the wind began to blow.

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0 Responses to Wind

  1. Kathleen says:

    Sweet reminder to allow our minds and hearts to de-clutter so that we can enjoy and be grateful for the simple, beautiful things that are given to us.

  2. Angela DiBiase says:

    My daughter and her family recently relocated to Red Wing, MN from upstate NY. My sister is in Stillwater, MN. I can’t wait to visit up there this Spring!

  3. susansink says:

    Red Wing is one of the best places in the state. I was at an artists’ colony there for two weeks in May six years ago, and our nephew lives there. You’ll have a great time!