Making 2013 Plan(t)s

seed packetsI’m not a big one for New Year’s Resolutions. But my world is kind of full right now of pressure to “set goals,” and there are plenty of areas where I could set goals for the year, were I so inclined… fitness goals. Eating goals. Writing goals. Publishing goals. Professional goals. Personal goals. Financial goals.

But really, the whole year is full of that. I’m constantly setting goals. Meeting them, failing to meet them, resetting them. Assessing them. Recording them. There’s no end to it!

So yesterday, with the sun pouring in the window and an inch of fresh snow making the cross-country skiing a dream, I ordered seeds.

I ordered 48 packets of seeds. That’s more than I need, and not everything!

I’ve been talking to Steve about taking over part of the tree nursery, a few rows behind the fence where he plants seedlings. It’s close to compost but farther from water. It emboldened me to buy more beans, lots more beans, Vermont Cranberry and Silver Cloud Cannellini and Jacob’s Cattle and the always reliable Irish Creek Annie.

It made me think I’ll free up room in the raised beds for more peppers, Hungarian Paprika and different colors, hot and sweet.

I could put squash out there behind the fence, too, and try a new type, Nutty Delica, and a squat orange buttercup, between a pumpkin and a hubbard type, called Sunshine.

Maybe I should grow my tomaotes from seed this year. Maybe I should plant sunflowers.

I wonder when my desire for more garden space will diminish.

I’m afraid it isn’t now. It isn’t 2013.

I want more.

garden beds under snow


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0 Responses to Making 2013 Plan(t)s

  1. Kathleen says:

    It’s so great to start off the New Year with the hope of Spring!