Self-Publishing part 2, the publicity edition

Today is a big day at my house. My book, Habits, a collection of 100-word stories about nuns, is receiving major publicity this weekend. The article written by Frank Lee for the  St. Cloud Times that appeared last weekend was picked up by the Associated Press (AP) and yesterday and today it’s been picked up by a number of media outlets.

In publishing, all you can do really is to write the book and then try to let people know it’s out there. Having a “legitimate” publisher means they will do a little promoting, or that you’ll at least get the distribution and publicity that goes along with their press, list and website. But even with larger publishers, you’re going to have to do a lot of promoting yourself.

I did what is recommended, starting with a Facebook page for the book. Having been in communications, I do know how to write a good press release. It focused on the nuns and their stories, and the unusual format of 100-word stories, much more than on me.

That was my first step, and I sent off 12 copies of the book and press release to media outlets I thought might be interested. I figured it would mostly go to people who review books for the outlets and might get some notice on their blog pages. This was true of the Minneapolis/St. Paul Catholic Archdiocese newspaper. Such a nice little review!

I was thrilled when Frank Lee of the St. Cloud Times decided to run a feature on the book. It hadn’t really occurred to me that a book could be a feature subject. I made the press release as snappy as possible, with excerpts. Also, I think I was lucky in that the book is of 100-word stories and a reporter can sit down and easily read it.

But nothing could compare to the AP picking it up. At that point, it was just luck– and possibly relationships, as I did pitch a very successful story about the Sisters of St. Benedict to an AP reporter three years ago. Thanks to a slow news day and heading into the Christmas season, a number of media outlets have picked it up.

And that’s where the fun begins! Google searches on the article title, “Tiniest of Stories Say Much about St. Ben’s Nuns” turns up the article on the Minnesota Public Radio news page (I’m most excited about this), as well as a radio station in Orlando, Florida, many papers in Minnesota and North Dakota, a paper on an Indian reservation in South Carolina… it is very fun!

The Associated Press is the best publicity machine out there. I figure the last chance for the article will be on Wednesday Religion pages where newspapers often pick up AP stories. Or today may be the day. It’s a great day.

All you can do as a writer, really, is to write the book, write the press release and send it, with a copy of the book, wherever you hope someone might read it and respond. Make it as easy as possible for people to buy it with links everywhere.

The story in the St. Cloud Times did bring me an invite to read at a rural Minnesota public library, which will happen next year. That would be the next step– setting up readings and places to talk about the book, taking copies with me for people to buy…

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0 Responses to Self-Publishing part 2, the publicity edition

  1. Congratulations, Susan. I’ve read many of the stories already in Cowbird, and loved them.

  2. susansink says:

    Thanks, Joe! It is exciting!

  3. Blome Mary Ann says:

    Congratulations, Susan. I have ordered a book from the publisher – didn’t know about the alternative. It is on the way and I will be watching the mail next week. The cover is perfect!