We Made the Police Blotter!

An entry on the local newspaper’s police blotter was about a call to our property.

October 9: 6:50 p.m. Fire. 95th Avenue. A resident called to report something burning in the area. Officer arrived and could see flames across the field. Officer checked with 53-year-old St. Joseph homeowner who was burning brush with a valid burning permit. Officer left a voice mail with caller of findings.

I’m so proud.  Next fire is scheduled for Saturday, October 30, on the biggest brush pile of them all!

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One Response to We Made the Police Blotter!

  1. Anonymous says:

    I saw that fire on my evening walk with Linda Hutchinson, but we didn't call it in. i figured it might be a burn off. Glad to know to expect another one.


    And good luck on your latest writing assignment.

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